Unity Installation

Before the workshop, you should install Unity. This is the tool we will use to program our game.

To do so, just follow the instructions here.

1. Downdload and Install Unity Hub

Go to this page, and click "Download Unity Hub".

Then double click the downloaded file to install it.

2. Install Unity

Open Unity Hub, and select the "Installs" tab.

Then, click on "Install Editor".

And install the recommended version.

3. Test your installation

To make sure everything went well, select the "Projects" tab.

Then, create a "New project".

Then, select "All templates".

And choose "2D core".

Finally, you can choose the name of your project. You should not include any spaces nor special characters (umlaut).

You can now click on "Create project".

And you're good to go!

If anything did not work, please send me an email (jchatain@ethz.ch) and we will look into it together.

See you soon!